Tracy Burnside, BBB Burnside Tax Service – Pricing
Individual Tax Return starting at $110
- Includes Federal, State, Local, and PA rebates
- Includes Tax Audit insurance
- Identity Theft Restoration
- $2,500 Tax Prep Guarantee of accuracy
- Remote preparation available for out-of-town students/spouses
Retirement Tax Return (generally 60 or older) starting at $165
- Includes Federal, State, Locals (if needed) and PA rebates
- Includes investment returns and next year’s estimates prepared
- Includes Tax Audit insurance
- Identity Theft Restoration
- $2,500 Tax Prep Guarantee of accuracy
- Remote preparation available for out-of-town travel/snowbirds
- Includes next year’s tax planning at tax filing time
Basic Business Tax Return (Sole Proprietor only) starting at $215
- Includes Federal, State, Locals (if needed) and PA rebates
- Includes estimated taxes prepared for 3 taxing authorities
- Includes Tax Audit insurance
- Identity Theft Restoration
- $2,500 Tax Prep Guarantee of accuracy
- Includes next year’s tax planning at tax filing time
Tax Planning (1-hour SEPARATE meeting in office) starting at $100
- Review of all income changes for the upcoming financial year
- Great for Roth Conversion tax planning
- Includes new client tax advice for upcoming year/tax estimates
Tax Planning (phone appointment) starting at $50
- Review of all income changes for the upcoming financial year
- Great for Roth Conversion tax planning
- Includes new client tax advice for upcoming year/tax estimates
Dependent Tax Return (Children and College Students) starting at $50
- Includes Federal, State and Berkheimer
- Includes Tax Audit insurance
- Identity Theft Restoration
- $2,500 Tax Prep Guarantee of accuracy
- Remote preparation available for out-of-town students
Amended Tax Returns (from another preparer) Starting at $110
- Includes Federal, State and Local amendments if necessary
Prior Year Tax Return(s) (never filed with IRS) starting at $110
- Multiple years may be discounted
Exact Estimate of Tax Planning or Tax Return can be made after review of all documents
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